In these current turbulent times, lots of questions about self-defense and protection of property have come up. We asked an attorney and here’s what he said:
Ask the Sheriff
Now’s your chance, don’t be shy!
Do you have a question you’d like to ask Sheriff Chad Bianco? We’re in the process of gathering questions to ask during a Q&A forum we’re organizing.
All legally armed citizens eventually encounter a “no guns allowed” sign. It’s surprisingly rare but occasionally you’ll see a business with one of these signs. What does the sign mean to those having concealed carry permits (CCW)? The short answer, at least in California, is nothing…..
Calling all Firearms Trainers: Do you offer First-Time Gun Owner Training?
Help us help YOU!
The number of new gun owners continues to rise amidst current events. Millions of people have purchased their first guns and need training. We are putting together a Training Directory for first time gun owners. Please send the following info to be listed on our website: