SBCGO Weekly Email 9/8/20: San Bernardino County Gun Owners - Activist Updates
Activist Update
Check out our monthly activist update on YouTube! Lots of fantastic updates you’ll want to hear about including meetings, the recent CA magazine ban, and our NEW Gun Owners Radio: ACTIVIST UPDATE
Monthly Meetings are Back!
Mark your calendars and be sure to join us on Thursday, September 24that 7pm for our monthly meeting! The SBCGO Board members will be providing some valuable updates.
ZOOM MEETING ID: 975 4306 0045
Gun Control Is Killing Our Kids
Kaylee Allen, the brave young high schooler who was involved in a school shooting, reached out to our very own Michael Schwartz, Executive Director of San Diego County Gun Owners. Listen to her harrowing story and thoughts about how Gun Control is Killing our Kids on: Gun Owners Radio
If you’re a Firearms Trainer Offering First Time Gun Owner Training….
We Want to hear From You
We are putting together a Training Directory for first time gun owners. Please send the following info to be listed..
We need both people and money in the fight for our Second Amendment Rights. We will continue to elect 2A friendly officials that will make a difference in San Bernardino County