This month we will have the SB Sheriff’s Department tell us everything you need to know about getting and keeping your CCW. In addition, we will hear from Congressman Paul Cook who we are endorsing for San Bernardino County Supervisor in District 1.
We are thrilled that we’ve already reached 51 Members…31 Patriots, 16 Challenge, and 4 10 Ring Members. We’re closing in on 500 Likes on Facebook. Visit our Facebook Page and Like it today, and Share it with your Friends.
We’ll be at the Ontario Crossroads of the West Gun Show Feb 15-16 with Riverside County Gun Owners to answer your questions and enlist you in the fight for your rights. Email us if you’d like to help us in our booth and you’ll get Free Admission.
Let us Help Drive our Business
All Members can List their Business in our Business Directory. Email Us with your Name, your Business Name, a short description of what you do, and a link to your website or Facebook page you would like referrals to be directed
Together We Will Win!
But We Can’t Do It Without You!
Paid for by San Bernardino County Gun Owners Political Action Committee FPPC ID # 1422623