Things I Wish I’d Known Before I Started Reloading
Do you ever wish you could just press a button and instantly receive ammunition? Of course you do. We’re still a long way off from Star Trek replicators, but a […]
Do you ever wish you could just press a button and instantly receive ammunition? Of course you do. We’re still a long way off from Star Trek replicators, but a […]
Working behind the counter at a gun store, a big part of my job involved answering customers’ questions. With any type of product, prospective buyers always want to know what […]
The continuing debate over gun control is an interesting one for many reasons, among them the fact that only one side of the argument actually understands the subject matter. Most […]
There’s no doubt about it—we gun guys like to argue. If you’ve been in the gun world long enough, you’ve witnessed and probably even participated in a few of the […]
Ever since early man figured out that banging two rocks together can sharpen one of them into a more effective tool, engineers—or what passed for them—have worked tirelessly to build […]
The market for firearms and related accessories is filled by a diverse array of manufacturers and suppliers, offering products to meet every conceivable need and price point. Many gun owners […]
With the winter gift-giving season rapidly approaching, gun stores across the country are enjoying an uptick in sales. They are also preparing for a wave of customers trying to return […]
We firearm enthusiasts can be an unlucky bunch when it comes to reference materials. Some of what we consider “common knowledge” has been repeated back and forth so many times […]