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SBCGO Weekly Email 4/11/20: Get Your CCW and Other Updates


Get your San Bernardino CCW!
Learn how easy it is to get your CCW in San Bernardino County. Some of the highest interest in Second Amendment rights surrounds getting a Concealed Carry Permit-this video takes the mystery out and guides you through all the steps you’ll need to take.
Update on Making Standard Magazines Legal
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals held a hearing on April 2 on California’s appeal of Judge Benitez’s ruling last year that gave us Freedom Week.
While the outcome of this hearing may not be heard for a couple more weeks, the oral arguments were very interesting and seem encouraging. The hearing was an hour long, but you can watch it here.
Gun and Ammo Sales Skyrocket in San Bernardino
Gun and ammunition sales skyrocketed in March for San Bernardino and Riverside County Gun Stores, no doubt helped even more by the restrictions closing Gun Stores in the 45 cities in Los Angeles County. Taylor Salveson, owner of
Evolution Sports
, reported “sales increased 300% over the past month, and with better supply sales would have been even higher. It’s been 80-90% new gun buyers just looking for something to protect themselves and their families.”
We need to embrace and welcome these new gun owners into our community. The need and opportunity for training will be huge in the coming year. If you’re a SBGunOwners member and offer training,
send us a email
with your information so we can include your information on our Training Resource on our website.
Support your local gun shops and ranges and their staff!
Let us Drive our Business
All Members can List their Business in our
Business Directory
Email Us
with your Name, your Business Name, a short description of what you do, and a link to your website or Facebook page you would like referrals to be directed
Together, We Will Win!
But We Can’t Do It Without You!
Paid for by San Bernardino County Gun Owners Political Action Committee FPPC ID # 1422623
72877 Dinah Shore, #103 | Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 |
(909) 300-5047 |