Sweet Virginia – Part Two

We have now completed part two of what I believe to be a three part Second Amendment saga in Virginia. Part two concluded with a very well attended and peaceful (much to the dismay of the left) pro-Second Amendment rally in Richmond. Part three will play out in 2020. The three parts break down as follows:
Part One
Part one consisted of the flipping of political control of the state from Republican to Democrat. Virginia has traditionally been considered a safe and very Second Amendment friendly state. The new Democrats swept into office with gun-control at the top of their agenda.
The takeover was accomplished with the help of a large influx of money into the campaign funds of numerous Democrat candidates. The money was provided by organizations supported by anti-Second Amendment activist (and Presidential candidate) Michael Bloomberg. The Democrats were further helped by the always dependable (and asleep at the wheel) Republican Party who went into the election with a number of Assembly seats uncontested.
What happened in Virginia should be closely studied by the Republicans as well as all Americans as it is likely the template to be used by the left in other states going forward. What happened in Virginia, as well as what we have in California, is the left’s plan for the rest of the country so American Normals should beware.
Part Two
Part two was the reaction of the public to the draconian gun control laws proposed by the Democrats that culminated in the rally in Richmond. In about two months over 90 of Virginia’s 95 counties declared themselves Second Amendment Sanctuaries. Many of Virginia’s cities did the same.
This is a huge development. Even though the language of the sanctuary declarations is fairly benign, the fact that political leaders from so many counties and cities came together to make that statement is unprecedented. Even the Sheriffs from various counties publicly took a stand which is very unusual. The proposed laws are very similar to what we already have in California yet when these laws were forced on Californians, we saw no such response.
Gun owners in general, tend to be less engaged and less politically active than gun-control activists, or at least it seems so. It typically takes something significant to wake them up. It may be that the politicians in Virginia have crossed a line and gun owners are now awake. Part two concluded with the rally in Richmond which leads us to part three.
Part Three
Part three will be how this all plays out when the new laws are implemented. No one knows how things are going to go once the laws are enacted but there are several possibilities:
- The laws are implemented and aside from some bravado on the internet from the cold, dead hands types, people comply, and Virginia gun owners have their rights trampled like gun owners in California. I think this is the least likely outcome but who knows?
- A passive resistance develops throughout the sanctuary counties and cities and the state finds the new laws difficult and expensive to enforce. A few innocent citizens are made examples of, but nothing is really accomplished.
- The outrage expressed by Virginia’s gun owners continues and builds to the point it attracts the attention of the US Supreme Court. The Court is then encouraged to finally make a comprehensive ruling on the Second Amendment. This seems to be what eventually has to happen to strike down the myriad unconstitutional gun control laws that have sprung up around the country. Whether this happens as a result of the situation in Virginia or due to other developments only time will tell.
One thing that is probably certain is that Democrat control of Virginia will be short lived. In California the destruction of our rights happened gradually over time. Reaction from normal Americans was minimal at best. In Virginia, implementation of drastic gun control laws is being attempted in one fell swoop. The Democratic party will likely pay dearly for their overreach in the next Virginia elections. Time will tell.
The right to self-defense is a basic human right. Gun ownership is an integral part of that right. If you want to keep your rights defend them by joining San Diego County Gun Owners (SDCGO) in San Diego, Orange County Gun Owners (OCGO) in Orange County, San Bernardino County Gun Owners (SBCGO) in San Bernardino County or Riverside County Gun Owners (RCGO) in Riverside. Support the cause by listening to Gun Sports Radio live on Sunday afternoon or on the internet at your leisure. Join the fight and help us restore and preserve our second amendment rights. Together we will win.
©2020 Joseph T Drammissi